The toe skin is difficult for the gecko to remove because they cannot get a good bite on the skin to peel it off. they do not want to bite their toes and licking their toes is not a habit they have. the warm water gets in between the shedding skin and new skin and more often than not, the toe skin falls off.. I just got a new leopard gecko from my auntie, and she said to gently rub off the shedding skin from there toes or it will cut the circulation off. when i do i get her toes wet and try to rub it off, but it wont come off. and the top of her toe is bleeding, and i dont know what else to do.. If a patch of old skin is left on the toe (toes are often a problem area) and not shed, it can lead to lack of circulation as the gecko grows, which will mean the toe will eventually drop off. there are a few things you can try to help soften the skin..
Then, carefully remove the skin with a tweezers. unless there is only a tiny amount of dead skin, wiping at it with a q-tip will probably not work. it does not matter if the gecko likes it- they usually don't. expect it to squirm and bite. failure to remove the skin will cut off circulation to the toes, resulting in their loss.. The safest way to remove the skin from a leopard gecko is to find an appropriately sized deli cup and put paper towel in it. make sure there are holes in the container for the animal to breathe.. Check their toes regularly, and they will be grateful. often, when you are trying to get the skin off their toes, they will pull their foot away every time you touch it, making it difficult to get the skin off. after soaking your gecko's feet, try bending your knee up in the air while you sit on the bed. set your gecko on the top of your knee.
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